Algis BudrysWhere is Leiber’s Pulitzer? Where is his National Book Award?
Best Novel or Novelette, The Big Time (1959)
Best Novel, The Wanderer (1965)
Best Novelette, Gonna Roll the Bones (1968)
Best Novella, Ship of Shadows (1970)
Best Novella, Ill Met in Lankhmar (1971)
Best Short Story, Catch That Zeppelin! (1976)
Best Novellette, Gonna Roll the Bones (1968)
Best Novella, Ill Met in Lankhmar (1971)
Best Short Story, Catch That Zeppelin! (1976)
World Fantasy
Best Short Fiction, Belsen Express (1976)
Best Novel, Our Lady of Darkness (1978)
Lifetime Awards
His lifetime achievement awards have designated him essentially, a Grand Master of all three speculative fiction genres, fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Tolkien and Leiber were the first two Grand Masters of fantasy, and Leiber was the first winner of the Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement.
Gandalf Grand Master of Fantasy (1975) — The second award, right after Tolkien's inaugural posthumous first.
SFWA Grand Master (1981) — The Science Fiction Writers of America made him its fifth.
Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement (1988) — Its inaugural award.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame (2001) — The sixth class.